Page name: aki's art2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-08 01:20:33
Last author: Aki Neko
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back to aki's art

Ok, now most of my art will be on my DA. My username is AmaneRyo, Ill ge tthe link up later. If you want to see anythign new and cant get to the link or something, ask me and Ill send it to you.

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2007-06-07 [The Grand Admiral]: Nice job Aki

2007-06-07 [Aki Neko]: thanks!^ ^ its for a wiki im in.

2007-06-07 [Zel Holt]: It is? Cool. ^_^ Is it called the warriors of the feather or something like that?

2007-06-07 [Aki Neko]: yep.^ ^

2007-06-07 [Zel Holt]: Cool. ^_^

2007-06-07 [Aki Neko]: draw alot too,right?

2007-06-08 [shadow frost wolf]: you made a death fairy?

2007-06-08 [Aki Neko]: yep. a long time ago too!!XD

2007-06-08 [shadow frost wolf]: i made one too ^^

2007-06-08 [Zel Holt]: Cool. ^_^ Yeah, but not as often as I us to, I'm working on a title pic for my story at the moment. ^_^

2007-06-08 [Aki Neko]: cool.XD

2007-06-08 [Zel Holt]: Yep, but now i'm stuck. ^_^'

2007-06-08 [Aki Neko]: what kinda backround is there? or, what kind of feel do you want as the cover?

2007-06-08 [Zel Holt]: the enamy's face in the back and the main hero on the front.

2007-06-08 [Aki Neko]: OHOHOH!!! have him standing to where his back is facing you, yet hes looking behind him!!

2007-06-08 [Zel Holt]: Oh, ok. I'll try that, thanks. ^_^

2007-06-08 [Aki Neko]: ^________^

2007-06-08 [Zel Holt]: ^_^

2007-06-09 [shadow frost wolf]: Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! *tickles aki to the ground with a feather*

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: *lao*

2007-06-09 [shadow frost wolf]: wha?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: laugh as off.

2007-06-09 [shadow frost wolf]: oh, we made something like that up here, but it means a way different thing ^^

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: i dont think i wanna know....

2007-06-09 [shadow frost wolf]: you dont trust me ^_^

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: friend showed me, i remember now.


hes jacking off?

2007-06-09 [shadow frost wolf]: yep, so you got that joke down there too ^_^

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: my friend showed me.T T

2007-06-09 [shadow frost wolf]: such a good friend ^^ now you wont fall for "do you lao?"

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: XD she didnt put it that way though!!!

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: *has lost the subject with flying colors* ?.?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: dont ask, were being realllllly gross.

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: ....O...k?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: ^_^'

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: yeps, so, dragon can tell him all he wants, since i just proved he wouldnt care!XDDD

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: ok?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: sorry, i said something to him reffering to something nasty, and he threatened to tell my brothers.

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: Why?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: i dont know. hes just mean like that!XDDD

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: Oh, ok? why's he mean?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: i dont know! we were just messing around.

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: oh ok? ^_^'

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: ^_^ so, whatcha doin?

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: Listening to music, as always, and coloring a pic for my story. ^_^ You?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: eh, getting some new pics up i drew. ^_^ and music!!!*dances*

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: lol, ok. ^_^

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: ^_^

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: What in the world are those color thingies with the emotion problems?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: i loves them!! i think they are so cute! though, i dont know the name of the series...

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: I think they're wierd, I'm puzzeled by why they have such an emotional problem.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: i do...i mean, that one up there is my own. and i have about 7 more....

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: Ok? I still don't get them?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: XD i found most of them on photobucket.

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: Ahh. I don't go on photobucket cause I don't know how to do stuff on there.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: i just look up pics...thats all.

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: oh ok, cool. ^_^

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: nya! im reduing one of my pics on aki's dedications before my friend gets on. i want a better one up for him.

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: oh ok. ^_^

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: its hard...O\/o

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: how?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: well, im trying to get his shirt down, and its one of those...well, hes wearing it in his pic. [The Grand Admiral] im trying to draw him.

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: oh ok, I'll have a look. ^_^

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: -^ ^-

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: Which shirt is it?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: the one where hes on the horse.

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: ahh the plad long sleaved shirt.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: uhhh...yeah,sure, what you called it.

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: sorry?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: im not to...clothesy..i only really know capri, halter, and tube. thats about it. im not in with trends....

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: I'm into anime trends, I can suggest some?

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: sure.

2007-06-09 [Zel Holt]: What type do you want, theres royal midevil, interesting modern, and cool future? ^_^

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: uhh...modern or midevil, your choice.

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: actually it's your choice. ^_^

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: midevil.

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: Ok, I can but give a discription, please suggest type of cloaths, I'll detail it. (Suggestion: color, shirt sleeve length, and pants or other and such. ^_^)

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: ok.....

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: If you suggest something I'll put it in detail, trying to spelt it all corectly. ^_^'

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: ok...

i usually wear jeans(long) and regular t-shirts. from the guy or girl sections.i like the small shirts too though....

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: Is this modern now? cause it's kind of hard in the modern time cause the T-shirts have logos on them. ^_^'

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: ...and thats the kind i wear...- -' sorry....

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: it's ok, it's just they have logos, and I'm not to good and logos, wait how'd we get from drawing to cloths we (rl) wear?

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: ........i forget.XD

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: lol me too. ^_^

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: XD well, wanna rp then?*like battle*

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: Ok. What type of text? This, "or this?" and what about action? * <- this or just like saying: Zel is blabbering on and on. ?

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: "We can battle like this if you prefer."Aki got into a battle stance.

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: Zel get's up. "Ok. This 'oughta be fun." Zel says with a grin and sets one foot behind the other his arms outward. "Who shall attack first?"

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: " go first.^ ^'"

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: Zel nods then slides the foot that was behind the front one backward, turning only his body, his hands in fists in his fighters stance. Zel leans forward, letting gravity pull him close to the ground and rushes for ~Aki~.

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: Aki runs to the side of Zel and kicks him in the face.As he falls, she runs behind him and kicks him in the back of the head.

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: Zel turns fast and grabs ~Aki~'s foot and pulls her toward behind him and instead of letting go he throws her where she came from. As he hits the ground he rolls then jumps back up in his fighter stance. Zel then vanishes and appears at the wall he threw ~Aki~ towards as if standing on the wall and grabs her turning and throwing her the other way. Zel jumps off the wall and lands on the ground in his fighter stance again.

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: She gets back up imidiently and runs into Zel, kncking him over, but grabs his shirt and brings him back up. She grabs his shirt with both hands and falls over, bringing him down with her, and that kicking him over her.They were near the wall, and he hits his head.She gets up quick, and waits for the next move.

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: Zel gets up, rubbing his head. "Oww..."

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: "^_^ SO, what do you think?"She stands there, smiling with her arms crossed.

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: "Well..." Zel vanishes and appears behind ~Aki~, holding her by the waist. "Not bad but I think you might want to be alittle faster and more cautious about your opponents." He says with a grin then lets go walking back infront of her.

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: "Oops...^ ^; I got my bro Kuro with the same thing.I said "I give! I give!" and he let go. I turned around and smacked him."

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: "Ahh, Ok. But you do realize in aranged battles once you say 'I give' It's pritty much about over." Zel says his eyes close (as if in anime) then turns his head to look at ~Aki~ with a grin. "Well, you ready?"

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: "Again? OH! And you should always be on gaurd.Plus, I wanted to hit my bro.^_^"

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: "Yeah? I know, and ok, are you ready?" Zel turns his body and gets into his fighter stance ready to battle again.

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: "Fine.^_^" she stands in ready.

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: Zel keeps his eyes, even the one not able to be seen under his bangs on ~Aki~. "I belive it's your turn?" He says with a grin.

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: "Ok.^_^ " She runs in at him.

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: As ~Aki runs for him Zel casual step to the side and gentaly taps ~Aki~ as she passes him, then jumping backward as to not get hit by the counter attack. "Alittle more acuracy I would think?" Zel says with a smirk.

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: "Sure.Hey, you wanna see a cool trick?" Her right hand suddenly becomes enshrouded in red flames.

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: Zel's eye brow cocks alittle bit. "Interesting, so does this mean we're doing all out fighting?" He says with a wide evil like grin and places his arms out, the armbands on his arms start to miutat and two golden swords are created in in his hands, the armbands still there. Zel twirls them around alittle bit and gets into a different fighter stance. "I hope you don't wish to break these cuase they're the hardest metal there is, a special kind created by the gods."

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: "wow...nice.^_^"Her arm becomes completely enshouded and sheruns in at him again.

2007-06-10 [Zel Holt]: Zel dodges and just barely touches the arm that had the flames on it with one of the swords as ~Aki~ rushed at him, he moves to where she misses and stands there twirling one of the swords, grining. Zel points the other sword at ~Aki~ revealing that it has the same red flames. "Ha! didn't know I could do that did you." He says with a grin as he stops twirling the one and places them together then takes them apart showing her that both are inflamed now.

2007-06-10 [Aki Neko]: "....Y-yeah! but I bet they cant do this!!"The flames dissapeared from her arm, and re-appeared above her, in the shape of a lion.

2007-06-11 [Zel Holt]: "They have no need to." He says with a grin. "Send the over grone cat towards me and I'll show you what they can do." Zel says with an even wider grin.

2007-06-11 [Aki Neko]: "...."She runs at him instead and trys to tackle him.

2007-06-12 [Zel Holt]: Zel grins then blocks the tackle with the swords.

2007-06-12 [XxTsomexX]: Hi!

2007-06-12 [Zel Holt]: Zel looks over to Sparrow. "Hello?"

2007-06-12 [XxTsomexX]: *smiles* whats up?

2007-06-12 [Zel Holt]: Zel looks back to ~Aki~ "We're battling."

2007-06-12 [XxTsomexX]: ooooh! *sits down and makes popcorn* dont mind me ill watch ^^

2007-06-12 [Zel Holt]: (Ok, but it's ~aki~'s move. This is real life when I do this)

2007-06-12 [XxTsomexX]: (ok lol)

2007-06-12 [Zel Holt]: (Hey, do you know how to rp? Cause it would be interesting if the three of us battled? of course we need to confirm it with ~aki~.)

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: what do you need to confirm with me?

2007-06-12 [XxTsomexX]: of course i know how to rp!

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: Oo you want to rp here?

2007-06-12 [XxTsomexX]: yeah ;3

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: ok.go right ahead.

2007-06-12 [Zel Holt]: (I'm still blocking you aki.) Zel grins. "This 'ought to be fun having a third player and all.

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: huh??*blink blink*

2007-06-12 [XxTsomexX]: Tsome smirked and drew her own sword. "Indeed, it should be very fun."

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: Sigh."Fine, if you would like..."

2007-06-12 [Zel Holt]: Zel steps to the side and lets ~Aki~ go past him, lifting his arms up letting the swords melt down into his armbands again. "Which should attack first?" Zel says jumping to the side keeping an eye on each person.

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: "Well, I'v never really done this with three people, so...."

2007-06-12 [XxTsomexX]: Tsome smiled. "I never attack first, not my style."

2007-06-12 [Zel Holt]: "I wait for the opponent to attack but if they insist I go ahead." Zel says with a wide grin.

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: "Please."

2007-06-12 [Zel Holt]: Zel shrugs, looking at both of them. "Who should I attack?"

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: "Uhh...thats the thig with three ways, isnt it?It dosnt matter..."

2007-06-12 [Zel Holt]: Zel grins. "Ok!" He appears behind ~Aki~ and side/slide kicks at her legs, trying to trip her.

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: She falls but grabs Zel and flips him over using her feet.

2007-06-12 [Zel Holt]: Zel flips up on his feet again and runs up to Tsome and karate chops at her kneck but vanishes.

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: *tsomes gone...*

2007-06-12 [Zel Holt]: (why?)

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: *nevermind, shes back*

2007-06-12 [XxTsomexX]: Tsome's neck cracked. "That kind of felt good." she chuckled (sorry XD lol)

2007-06-12 [Zel Holt]: (I didn't hit your kneck? And you might want to dodge...) Zel appeared above Tsome with a giant golden axe in his hands ready to strike. "HRRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: Oo backs away slowly....

2007-06-12 [XxTsomexX]: Tsome jumped backwards and watched the axe implant itself into the ground. "Good thing I dodged that." she smiled.

2007-06-12 [Zel Holt]: "Yeah, right..." Zel said with a grin as the ground around him and under Tsome began to crack and brake. The ground flies upwards creating a crater as big as a publice fountain.

2007-06-12 [XxTsomexX]: Tsome jumped up and away from the hole.

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: Tackels Tsome to the ground and pins her.

2007-06-12 [XxTsomexX]: Tsome kicked Aki off.

2007-06-12 [Zel Holt]: Zel turns to the two of them and the axe morphs into a jousting stick and he steps forward and starts to charge for them.

2007-06-12 [Aki Neko]: Summons red flames and shoots them at Zel.

2007-06-12 [XxTsomexX]: Tsome meeped and took out a sword.

2007-06-13 [Zel Holt]: Zel picks up enuff speed for him to go strait through the flames and rushes for them both.

2007-06-13 [Aki Neko]: Runs to the side and trips him.

2007-06-13 [Zel Holt]: The jousting stick went into the wall keeping him up and he gets up on his feet and stands up, stairing at the wall for a second. "Nice, let's see if you can attack me from behind." Zel says with a grin.

2007-06-13 [XxTsomexX]: Tsome appeared inches from his face and punched him in the stomach.

2007-06-13 [Aki Neko]: Knocked him in the back of the head.

2007-06-13 [Zel Holt]: The Golden jousting stick morphs back into the armband it came from and he falls backwards getting on his hands doing a handstand while kicking outwards with his feet in circles.

2007-06-13 [Aki Neko]: Kicks his hands.

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: Zel falls from his hands but turns onto his feet, kneeling. Zel gets up and rubs his wrist. "How much practice are you wanting?"

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: "What? That was a givaway. And, I'm waiting for my brother to come back, so I can practice wanting to kill him."

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: "Huh? Oh, ok. Can I play too?"

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: "Up to him. I'm practicing with him...Caita-nii said its the only way to match up with Kuro, is me wanting to kill him...its hard, yet working so far..."

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: "Ok?" Zel said confused.

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: "I'm fighting him with a broken hand."

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: "Oh? How'd you get the broken hand?"

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: "He broke it.^_^ And, now I REALLY get to kill him since it was my drawing hand.^_^(rp wise of course!!!)"

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: "Oh? Then go for it. Hehe." Zel says with an amused smile.

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: "^_^ Thanks. And yet, its hard to imagine me killing him since hes always there for me."

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: "Well then you could just knock him sencless?" Zel suggests with a shrug.

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: "XDD Actually, yes. But when I want that to happen, I try to dodge killing him then. And thats how he beats me up so bad."

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: "You could try a KO spell, if you know one? Or you could pinch that area where you can knock if off his horse, medaforicly speaking." Zel says trying to help.

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: Laughs."Thanks...XD I would kick his " wistles."but I know he has a girlfriend.^__^"

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: "What would that have anything to do with it?"

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: "Well, he said he wanted me to wish him luck...just in case..."Face turns a little green...

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: "And that would mean..." Zel says with a confused face.

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: "Oo...Uh...sheets?" Face gets red now."Ewww...danm you Kuro...>.<'"

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: Zels face goes dumbfounded cuase he doesn't understand.

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: "hHe said only really wish him luck when he wants to have sex with her!!" Eyes buldge out."EWWWW!!!>.<God! You had to make me say it!//>.<//"

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: Zel starts to laugh but quietly. "Uh-huh I perposly made you say..."

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: "BASTARD!!"Tackels him.

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: "Ack!!!" Zel falls to the ground on his back.

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: Sitting on him, crossing her arms and looking him in the eye."You little......"

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: "I didn't do it on perpose!" Zel says with a worried face. "Please don't hurt me..."

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: "You just said you did!!!'Uh-huh I perposly made you say...' Thats not making you say it on purpose?

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: "Didn't you hear my tone?" (the tone being what it would sound like if someone was being sarcastic, AKA the Uh-Huh at the front of the sentance)

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: "....Then I tackeled you for being dense..."

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: "Ok, just don't hurt me." Zel says with a worried face still a slight smile on it. (Is kinda afraid of girls cuase can't hit them. lol I think it's a funny situation.)

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: "...."Still sitting on him.

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: Zel sighs and grabs ~Aki~ by the waist, pick her up off of him and sets her to the side and sits up.

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: Glares.

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: Zel cringes from ~Aki~ glareing at him. "What?"

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: "Showoff."Grabs his forehead and knocks him over again.

2007-06-16 [Zel Holt]: "Ack!" Zel's head seems to be pinned to the floor now, ~Aki~'s hand on his miutometal ciclet on his forhead.

2007-06-16 [Aki Neko]: "Haha..."

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